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Dr. Hayden McKenzie

I am a Professor and researcher of Psychology at Centre for Cognition and Neuropsychology, Rygford. I have served as Director of Research at the University of Bournemouth from 2008-13. My current research interest lies in recreating visionary experiments that were unsuccessful due to abscission on safety or ethical grounds. I have also been a member of the Terracasian Psychological Association and the Gerontological Society of Cintra. Some of my most pathbreaking recreations include the Monster Study of 1939 and the Bobo Doll experiment of 1963, which have paved the way for understanding the psychology of reflexes and dominance. For more than 25 years, my research has been supported by across the globe, with strong support from various countries and research organizations. I have been a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the eminent Espirit de Cerebro in 2014, which has to it the acclaim of being awarded to only four recipients in the last 40 years. The honor was jointly held by me and Dr. Kyle Galois for pathbreaking discoveries on the importance and process of judgment and decision making under perilous circumstances. From the last three years, I am fully committed to recreating the Stanford Prison Experiment of 1971 in authorized isolation at the Island of Salvania to investigate the psychological effects of perceived power, focus on the struggle between prisoners and prison officers. Highly motivated and intellectual students of psychology are recruited for the investigation and analysis of this experiment every year.


(Recreating Stanford Prison Experiment)
Psy.D  Interviews
Public Lecture
A new approach to Cognitive Psychology

Refer to the Opportunities section

(New Announcement!)

Yet to be announced

Centre for Cognition and Neuropsychology

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